Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Watching My Little Sister Grow Up Essay Example For Students
Viewing My Little Sister Grow Up Essay I invested little energy with my more youthful sister during her early stages ages since she moved to the United States from Nigeria when she was practically around 5 years of age. I could relate a great deal of experience I had while we lived respectively to this section. This was a fascinating part and it responded to endless inquiries regarding babies, and for the most part why they act so inept. I was a 9 years of age kid who takes care of his more youthful sister while my mom deals with her different business, my mom used to be a dictator parent, while my father was a greater amount of lenient parent. My mother caused me to figure out how to change diapers, make infant food and some other girly things, and when I ask her for what valid reason I am doing this, she says since I let you know so and she is your sister, you have to figure out how to think about her when I am not there yet some of the time my father would help me. This section uncovered to me, why I think my infant sister got more connected to me than each other individual in the house and why she generally comes to me when she need anything. My infant sister coming to me at whatever point she needed something was a piece issue, on the grounds that my mother would state you are ruining my infant, which I thought I was never ruining my sister by giving her all she needed and requested. To me I was simply been a sweet sibling, who adores his infant sister and picked up her trust. Albeit at times she acts like a brainless person, this was so irritating and disappointing. At the point when she was around a year, her mind grew genuinely; she could creep, sit without anyone else and walk. This was acceptable in light of the fact that 25 percent of infants strolled by 11 months, 50 percent inside seven days after their first birthday celebration, and 90 percent by age 15 months (Frankenburg et al. , 1992). Yet she was a lethargic child, she could walk yet settle on to creep, some of the time she would sob for me to convey her as opposed to strolling or slithering as she does to any place she needed, she controls me. At the point when she was practically around 3 years of age, some part subjective mindset was somewhat sensible in light of the fact that from 3 to 6, the most fast cerebrum development was in your frontal flaps which empower reasonable arranging, control of your consideration and conduct advancement (Garon et al. , 2008). During this period, my sister had more odd uneasiness. She wouldnt let some other individual touch her or convey her, at whatever point I am getting dressed for school toward the beginning of the day, she cries and needs to go with me. So one day my father figured they should sign her up for a preschool. On her first day at school, my mother said she cried throughout the day. She was crying until my father needed to go get her, that is the point at which she quit crying Children this age have constructions for natural countenances, when they can't perceive new faces they become troubled (Kagan 1984). Thus, she was joined in a preschool where my aunt was a parental figure. So in light of the fact that she knew about my aunt and my little cousin, going to preschool was progressively extraordinary and pleasant. As time cruised by, her mind was increasingly evolved and she realized much better . She was not, at this point the little child that contacts her crap after shes done crapping . I get so frantic and disturbed on the grounds that my mother makes me clean it, and let me know shes only a child. My child sister is currently 13 years of age . Whos going to be in secondary school and has arrived at the condition of pre-adulthood. She currently disrespects me and needs to remains on her words and thinks she is continually doing the correct things ,well Pubertys hormonal flood and limbic framework improvement help clarify adolescents Occasional incautious and unsafe practices, and enthusiastic tempests †slamming entryways and turning up the music (Casey et al. 2008). Once in a while I want to whip her butt and remind her; .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .postImageUrl , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:hover , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:visited , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:active { border:0!important; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:active , .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e2 6dc4ddb579 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5a1e03800f6080e33112e26dc4ddb579:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare's Othello - Honest Iago Othello EssayI was the individual you generally hurried to when you were as yet an infant, I tidied up all you crap and watched you develop into what you are. In any case, in all actuality, we are bows from which kids as living bolts are sent forward (Khalil Gibran, The Prophet, 1923), I have been in this equivalent stage and I realize what it is feels like to be a high school and how we consider certain things ,since we despite everything experiencing intellectual improvement of youth, so dont made a decision about us.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Basic Tips On How To Find The Best Essay Topics
Basic Tips On How To Find The Best Essay TopicsYou may have the perfect writing style in your head but if you lack an understanding of UCF essay topics, it can make the job harder. Each student has his or her own unique language skills and academic talents. You want to make sure you match up each student's knowledge with the type of assignment they need to do on a day-to-day basis. By learning more about the topic you will be able to focus on what the needs of each student are and ensure that your final project is completed within time and within budget.Many students spend a great deal of time looking for essay topics that will have a lasting effect on their academic careers. Their last academic achievement is often affected by these assignments. Once you start looking for topics, keep an eye out for some of the following things. After reading this article, you should know how to find them.Have they taken or are they currently taking a course in that subject? These types of topics wi ll vary greatly from semester to semester. The standard syllabus usually consists of a beginning, intermediate, and ending project. An average course, however, may have a wide range of topics. Students will need to choose their topic to fit the syllabus and it's this type of project that will determine how well your project turns out.How will the students know they've made a great turn when it comes to their thesis statement? For those who have spent years in school, getting their dissertation may not be easy. As mentioned earlier, you can't always guess at how students will do. By preparing your students for the possibility of a lack of success, you will be able to rest assured that the students will do their best when they submit the essay.Whether it's an essay about a particular academic achievement or another type of topic, there is usually a good dissertation title. However, there are many other topics where the best way to go is to research the topic first. You don't want to f orce students to write about something that may not interest them or may seem tedious.How will the students know if a specific topic is suitable? When doing research on your topic, you can often go online to find a plethora of articles and forums that cover specific topics. Even if you're not at the top of your chosen topic, you may still be able to learn more about the topic and decide whether or not you should take it further.The UCF campus has the most active Internet community in the country. There are many discussions and forums on topics ranging from college to religion to career development. Find one that pertains to your topic and join it. It's a chance to meet others in your same field and discuss anything that you want to talk about.By knowing what UCF essay topics are needed for each class, you will be able to narrow down the choices you have so you are making more intelligent choices when choosing your topic. If you get this knowledge down, you can concentrate on the qua lity of your project and be confident that you have all the information that you need. You'll end up knowing everything you need to about each topic and will be able to get it done within time and within budget.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Growing Threat of Computer Crimes - 3247 Words
Running head: THE GROWING THREAT OF COMPUTER CRIME The Growing Threat of Computer Crime Diana Ritter Baker College of Cadillac May 9, 2001 Abstract Computers have been used for most kinds of crime, including fraud, theft, larceny, embezzlement, burglary, sabotage, espionage, murder, and forgery, since the first cases were reported in 1958. One study of 1,500 computer crimes established that most of them were committed by trusted computer users within businesses; persons with the requisite skills, knowledge, access, and resources. With the arrival of personal computers to manipulate information and access computers by telephone, increasing numbers of crimes--electronic trespassing, copyrighted-information piracy, vandalism--have been†¦show more content†¦Convicted computer hacker, John Lee, a founder of the infamous â€Å"Master’s of Deception†hacker group stated that he could change credit card records and bank balances, get free limousines, airplane tickets, and hotel rooms (without anyone being billed), change utility and rent rates, distribute computer software programs free to all over the internet, and easily obtain insider trading information. Imagine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦this is just one person. Think of all the hundreds of â€Å"hackers†that are out there. Computer stalking. One type of computer criminal rapidly emerging is the â€Å"cyber stalker†. One such stalker, the pedophile, surfs the net looking to build relationships with young boys or girls and then sets out to meet them in person to pursue his/her sexual intensions. This type of activity also leads to sellers of child pornography over the internet. Virtual crimes. Stock and bond fraud is already appearing on the internet. Stocks and bonds that appear on the market are actively traded (for a short period of time) and then disappear. These stocks and bonds are nonexistent-only the electronic impulses are read. One must note, however, no matter how clever th e hacker, the most serious security threat in most enterprises is password theft. Password stealing is the â€Å"holy grail†of hacking. Once a username/password combination has been found, the hacker has free rein to exploit that user account. 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Another thing occurring on a daily basis is criminals committing either trivial or major crimes; so it is not hard to imagine that these two actions would start to syndicate into one. Cyber-crime is defined as â€Å"unauthorized use of a computer for personal gain†(, but the true depth of the definition is so much deeper. Anyone can be affected by cyber-crime, it can affectRead MoreThe Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Essay827 Words  | 4 Pagesincluding FBI, Department of Homeland Security, among others, have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism. The roles and responses of these law enforcement agencies concerning digital crime have created challenges that limit enforcement efforts against digital crime. The Department Of Justice has had to address evolving challenges such as mortgage fraud, corporate fraud, and cyber crime including online child pornography. As it seeks to balance and address competing and new priorities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Child Maltreatment Among Children With Disabilities
13 Child Maltreatment among Children with Disabilities GCHB 6500: Violence as a Public Health Problem Audrianna Haynes Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Background and Significance Child maltreatment proves to be an issue afflicting children today, and this does not leave out children with disabilities. It is a fundamental cause of childhood fatalities (Hibbard Desch, 2007). Millions of children are affected every year due to child maltreatment. During the year 2015, child protective services registered 4 million referrals that involved about 7.2 million children, and it was determined that 683,000 of them were indeed suffering due to child maltreatment which can occur in many methods and children†¦show more content†¦54.9%. Also, this population is more likely to have multiple recurring series of maltreatment, which is respectively, 71% vs. 29% (Fisher, 2009). Overall, the U.S. Department of Health Human Services (HHS), recorded in 2015 that 1,670 children died due to maltreatment (U.S., 2017) and this included children suffering from disabilities. HHS also reported that seventy-five percent of child abuse deaths were from children less than three years old. In 2015, children under the age of one died due to abuse at a rate of 20.91 percent out of 100,000 children (U.S., 2017). There are no current statistics on the mortality rates for only children with disabilities which is a problem because this is not a non-existent problem. This issue is evident because, children with disabilities have a high chance of being seriously injured from the abuse or the abuse will lead to death, yet no statistics are detailing the effects of maltreatment in this population. Nonetheless, the available statistics show that child abuse is a problem that needs to be addressed, and a public health approach would be highly beneficial to raise awareness for this particular population and facilitate prevention. Ill-treatment of children with disabilities is a disturbing problem that needs to be addressed more deeply, as it is a major issue of concern. The current incidence of maltreatment in this population is underreported,Show MoreRelatedChild Maltreatment Among Children With Disabilities3401 Words  | 14 Pages Child Maltreatment among Children with Disabilities GCHB 6500: Violence as a Public Health Problem Audrianna Haynes Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Background and Significance Child Maltreatment is still a problem plaguing children today, including children with disabilities, as it is a leading cause of serious childhood injuries and fatalities (Hibbard Desch, 2007).Child maltreatment affects millions of children each year. 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Does the abuse come as a reaction of the parents because the child is difficult to manage? Or does difficult behavior such result from the abuse? Research has shown that children that may be harder to manage such as disabilities are at higher riskRead MoreChild abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years1343 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, or school age) and discuss the types of abuse that are most often seen in this age. Discuss warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. DescribeRead MoreChild Maltreatment And Children With Disabilities3533 Words  | 15 PagesSignificance Child maltreatment still proves to be a problem harboring children today, and this does not leave out children with disabilities. It is one of the main causes of childhood fatalities (Hibbard Desch, 2007). Millions of children are affected every year due to child maltreatment. During the year 2015, child protective services registered 4 million referrals that involved about 7.2 million children and it was determined that 683,000 of them were, suffering due to child maltreatment which canRead MoreHow Are We Really Doing?1828 Words  | 8 PagesThe question of how many children are abused and neglected each year in the United States is seemingly simple, but it does not have an easy answer. Because several national and state agencies collect and analyze different data using different methods, the statistics vary. In addition, not every suspicion or situation of abuse or neglect is reported to child protection services (CPS) agencies. As a result, the number of reports likely underr epresents the number of children who actually suffer fromRead MoreDevelopment And Acquisition Of Language Skills1038 Words  | 5 PagesBussieres, Bouchard, 2015). Children become a part of a social environment from the moment they are born. Each social interaction a child experiences plays a crucial role in developing and shaping his/her language skills (Sylvestre, Bussieres, Bouchard, 2015). The deprivation of these social interactions at a young age, which can be seen in children who have been abused and/or neglected can lead to severe language delays across multiple areas of development. Children who have experienced neglectRead MoreAnalysis Of Wuthering Heights And The Poisonwood Bible1468 Words  | 6 Pagesis the abuse and neglect inflicted on children across the country. In literature, characters that experience maltreatment as children tend to fit the â€Å"underdog†mold, for they are unable to stand against the wrongs dealt unto them until a later time or event when they are better suited to fight back; thereby gaining the reader’s sympathy and vote for eventual victory over their antagonist. In Wuthering Heights and The Poisonwood Bible, the victimized children lacked outside support from other membersRead MorePoverty And Children : The Challenges That Welfare Workers Face1497 Words  | 6 Pages Poverty and children: the challenges that welfare workers face Hope Kriegel Paper Outline 8/7/16 Children in Poverty Approximately 15 million children in the United States are living below the federal poverty threshold. Research shows that families need an income of twice the amount of the federal poverty threshold (NCCP, 2014). Sadly 44% of children live in low-income families here in the United States. Poverty is the greatest threat to children’s well-being (NCCP, 2014). Public PoliciesRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effect On Children1518 Words  | 7 PagesChild abuse is any sexual, physical or psychological mistreatment of a child. child abuse as any act or series of acts of omission or commission instituted by a parent or caregiver that directly results in harm or a threat of harm to the child in question. Child abuse can occur in a child s home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with Child neglect is the failure, by a parent, guardian or caretaker, either intentionally or through negligence or inability, to
Having A Gun Essay Example For Students
Having A Gun Essay Having A Gun Very often in life I would find myself strongly disagreeing and upholdingthe totally opposite point of view about the actions and behavior of those,whose deeds seemed to me rather disadvantageous and harmful to the entirecommunity or society. These kind of actions were mostly coming from governmentauthorities, and quite obviously, there was not much that could have been donein order to refute or override them. Therefore, not only once, the idea ofhaving adequate power and authority to ban these kind of pernicious practices,would appeal to me. For the purpose of decreasing the crime rate, that was the top concern ofthe Ukrainian citizen, in 1994, some misguided politicians in government adoptedthe legislation repealing the previous amendment and thus, abolishing theconstitutional right to own the handguns. Banning the sale of firearms seems tome a most malicious and reckless deed, that instead of safeguarding andprotecting, endangers more the entire society. The Government justified this act by saying that it would protect theinnocent citizens. But it failed to even entertain the notion that the enactmentof this law would come to protect the right of those who violate the rights ofothers. It has never occurred to authorities that vicious criminals, in spite ofthis legislation, will still manage somehow to get the firearms. Innocent people, however, will suffer, because they will be less likelyto obtain handguns in order to protect themselves and their families. Therefore,it would not be hard to imagine the carnage of the citizens, should there not beany guns in their homes. The criminals would walk in at any time they desired,they would take whatever they wanted, rape whom they wanted, and shoot whoeverwould resist. The Government defended the enactment of this law by declaring thatpeople could not be secure as long as there would be handguns around; they couldnot be secure when three million people in the country had shotguns stuck in theglove compartment of their cars, bedside drawers, pockets and kitchen cabinets. But could they be secure if some criminal would try to take away somebodys carunder the threat, rob and rape somebody in the street or try to burglarizesomebodys home, knowing that they would not have any guns to protectthemselves? The prompt and correct answer is NO. The government was established to insure that none of our rights wouldbe violated or taken away. It seems to me that the government, by infringing theright of people to keep and bear arms, has failed to provide its citizens withprivilege of safety in their homes or the right to be able to walk freely incities and towns. If I had enough authority and power to change the laws, Iwould definitely attract and repeal this legislation, that seems to be ratherdangerous than protective. By doing so, I would bring safety, security andfreedom to the entire society, because my point is that criminals would obtainthe shotgun anyway, so why should not normal people have a chance to protectthemselves by having a little insurance under their bed in the form of a gun.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic Business Plan Proposal free essay sample
With long waits at the emergency room, pediatric urgent care centers have become an alternative to after-hours care for children. It takes great patience, and a big caring and compassionate heart to take care of sick or ill patients. It takes a greater patience to take care of greatly ill or sick children after the hours of your normal pediatrician hours. This is a growing need and urgent request to fulfill as there are not many pediatric urgent care facilities in place at this time. Urgent Care is designed to complement your primary care pediatrician by providing services when your doctors offices’ are typically closed. Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic is designed for treatment of illnesses and injuries for which your child would normally receive care at his or her pediatrician’s office such as ear infections, sore/strep throat, cold/flu-like symptoms, minor cuts, scraps, burns, rashes, sprains, etc. We will offer after hours service as a convenience to you instead of emergency room care. We will write a custom essay sample on Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic Business Plan Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If your childs illness or injury requires emergency care, then we will direct you to the nearest emergency room (UMHC, nd). The Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic of Martinsville, is intended to be formed as a pediatric urgent care located at 2121 Main St., Martinsville, Virginia, 24112, in the heart of the city, which is convenient and accessible to anyone. This is presumed to be a great rapid growth in the healthcare urgent care industry. The Business seeks funding to take advantage of a window of opportunity for introducing a new pediatric urgent care clinic facility. This has the potential to dominate the urgent care market in the area, and nearby surrounding cities. This will be a unique urgent care clinic different from most known, as it will only serve children age newborn to adolescent. Most urgent care facilities see patients from newborn to adult age; this urgent care will be staffed with pediatric emergency medicine trained physicians who are able to address the unique medical needs of children. The level of care that will be given will be driven by evaluation treatment provided by medical staff experienced in pediatric emergency medicine, with continued ongoing training and education. The goal of The Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic is to serve pediatric patients as an after-hours option, at a lesser cost, that could be treated on primary care level. This is a cheaper alternative option than going to the emergency room for illness or injury. II. EQUIPMENT/TRAINING EDUCATION DESCRIPTION â€Å"Although the American Academy of Pediatrics does not encourage the routine use of urgent care facilities because it may undermine the provision of coordinated, comprehensive, family-centered care consistent with the medical home concept, the use of these facilities as part of urgent and emergent care systems is not uncommon (AAOP, 2005).†The Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic, the service will provide walk-in, extended hour access of Monday-Friday: 4:00pm to Midnight and Saturday and Sunday 12pm to Midnight for children with acute illness and injury care that is beyond the primary care practice. We will have a full service organization that will have on-site X-ray and Laboratory services. This service is specifically geared toward treating children only; therefore the equipment needed will have to be suitable for smaller patients. See the below table of pediatric equipment required and is this may not be an all-inclusive list, but well needed equipment
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Le Corbusier
Le L’Esprit Nouveau Le Corbusier is without doubt the most influential, most admired, and most maligned architect of the twentieth century. Through his writing and his buildings, he is the main player in the Modernist story, his visions of homes and cities as innovative as they are influential. Many of his ideas on urban living became the blueprint for post-war reconstruction, and the many failures of his would-be imitators led to Le Corbusier being blamed for the problems of western cities in the 1960s and 1970s. Like Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, and other architects of his generation, Le Corbusier had little architectural training. But he did have a strong conviction that the twentieth century would be an age of progress: an age when engineering and technological advances, and new ways of living, would change the world for good. Only architecture was failing to embrace the future, as new buildings continued to ape various historical styles. In 1908, Le Corbusier went to work with Auguste Perret, the French architect who had pioneered the use of reinforced concrete, and then Peter Behrens, the German exponent of ‘industrial design’. Behrens admired the engineer’s ethic of mass production, logical design, and function over style, and Corbusier brought two of these early influences together in his ‘Maison Dom-Ino’ plan of 1915. This house would be made of reinforced concrete and was intended for mass production, but was also flexible: none of the walls were load-bearing and so the interior could be re-arranged as the occupant wished. A House Is A Machine For Living In By 1918, Corbusier’s ideas on how architecture should meet the demands of the machine age led him to develop, in collaboration with the artist Amà ©dà ©e Ozenfant, a new theory: Purism. Purist rules would lead the architect always to refine and simplify design, dispensing with ornamentation. Architecture would be as efficient as a factory... Free Essays on Le Corbusier Free Essays on Le Corbusier Le L’Esprit Nouveau Le Corbusier is without doubt the most influential, most admired, and most maligned architect of the twentieth century. Through his writing and his buildings, he is the main player in the Modernist story, his visions of homes and cities as innovative as they are influential. Many of his ideas on urban living became the blueprint for post-war reconstruction, and the many failures of his would-be imitators led to Le Corbusier being blamed for the problems of western cities in the 1960s and 1970s. Like Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, and other architects of his generation, Le Corbusier had little architectural training. But he did have a strong conviction that the twentieth century would be an age of progress: an age when engineering and technological advances, and new ways of living, would change the world for good. Only architecture was failing to embrace the future, as new buildings continued to ape various historical styles. In 1908, Le Corbusier went to work with Auguste Perret, the French architect who had pioneered the use of reinforced concrete, and then Peter Behrens, the German exponent of ‘industrial design’. Behrens admired the engineer’s ethic of mass production, logical design, and function over style, and Corbusier brought two of these early influences together in his ‘Maison Dom-Ino’ plan of 1915. This house would be made of reinforced concrete and was intended for mass production, but was also flexible: none of the walls were load-bearing and so the interior could be re-arranged as the occupant wished. A House Is A Machine For Living In By 1918, Corbusier’s ideas on how architecture should meet the demands of the machine age led him to develop, in collaboration with the artist Amà ©dà ©e Ozenfant, a new theory: Purism. Purist rules would lead the architect always to refine and simplify design, dispensing with ornamentation. Architecture would be as efficient as a factory...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Example of Argumentative Essay
Example of Argumentative Essay Example of Argumentative Essay Example of Argumentative Essay There are many topics for argumentative essay writing. However, it is very easy to get lost in all peculiarities of academic essay writing. As a result, many students end up copying free argumentative essays from the Internet. What is the result? They get an F because a teacher easily locates the source of copied essay. Below is a good example of argumentative essay posted here with the sole purpose to assist you with writing. Use it a source for ideas. If you need individual help with writing argumentative essay, you should order customized essay writing service. Our argumentative essay writing services are inexpensive and you will definitely be satisfied with the quality writing. By the way, has a popular blog on writing with wealth of free samples and examples of essays on virtually any topic. Free Example of Argumentative Essay Rationalization theory is a powerful tool in putting long-range historical processes into perspective. The overriding ethos of industrial society-a cost-accounting mentality and the urge to build and control institutionshelps explain both the ethos of urban revivalism and the ethos of religious television. The ethos of both reflects the historical periods in which they developed. The ethos of revivalism and its use of appropriate means fits into an era dominated by industrial capitalism; the ethos of religious television and the notion of God's technology fits neatly into the postindustrial era, in which technology will "solve" all our social problems. As part of the business and entrepreneurial tradition, televangelists are businessmen for the Lord. They are eager to seize available opportunities to sell the gospel through mass communications. They pursue their goals of winning souls and building teleministries without hesitation, never questioning the appropriateness of using telev ision to do so. Neither are they encumbered by denominational deliberations. Rather, their concern is how to use television effectively. Schooled in pragmatism, televangelists know how to reach the individual Christian, offering hope and love to ameliorate fear and anxiety and, perhaps more importantly, offering membership into their television communities as a means of acknowledging the viewers' importance to them. In addition to the use of any appropriate means to win souls, members of the electric church value the dynamics of a free-market economy in modern life, including competition for religious beliefs. They believe that the free market will recalibrate the economic system and the religious system and, because of this strongly held mindset, they claim to oppose federal government regulation and intervention. Despite their rejection of Darwinism, they equate successful competition with worthiness and confidently compete with other religious groups and organizations. One way they compete is by reaching out to those evangelicals who are nonaffiliated or disenchanted with their congregations. Another is by competing for the same, already established audience, as illustrated by Oral Roberts fighting to maintain his top-ranked position but losing to Jimmy Swaggart, or the fortunes of Rex Humbard and James Robison waning, but those of Pat Robertson and Jim Bakker rising. Several related phenomena appear during such competition. First, the teleministries act like other institutions in similar situations. They try new program techniques. They hire new technical-professional staff. They contrive events to get their names in the papers and on television. They diversify their business activities by offering hotel facilities, special tours of their studios, schools for the children of viewers, and, in one case, a theme park. In short, they engage in the business of staying in business, and, in the process, lose their uniqueness and mystery. Argumentative Essay Writing Service Once again, I do not recommend copying the above example of argumentative essay. If the topic cover in the example does not really suit your requirements or topic, you have an opportunity to request professional essay writing help at our site. We are open 24/7 and we do not ignore your requests. All students are helped. Our writing services are affordable and 100% confidential.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Risk Management - Research Paper Example It is vital to define the term â€Å"risk†before embarking on a discussion about managing risk. Generally, risk can be termed as the uncertainty over possible future deviations from the objectives of a given organization. Such deviation may be caused by certain events or circumstances whose consequences may be positive or negative (Hopkin, 2012 pp.14). Simply put, risk is anything that can potentially cause negative or positive effects on the implementation of established business objectives (Longenecker, 2006 pp.463). Since corporate objectives are diverse in nature, there are many types of risks that a business may be forced to tackle. Types of risks There are different types of risks facing an organization, depending on the operations of the specific organization. Nonetheless, the following are a number of general risks that each and every business has to deal with in its normal operations: Hazard risks Hazard risks are the types of risks that only result in negative outcomes for the business. According to Hopkin (2012, pp.15) these are the types of risks that an organization faces during daily operations. ... Such risks are deliberate and the business invests in such risks in order to gain in future. Although opportunity risks are intended to bring about positive results, there is no guarantee that such results will always be positive. Most opportunity risks involve the financial aspects of the business and may entail; invest in equity shares, opening up new branches, producing new products, and moving to new locations (Sadgrove, 2005 pp.211). Control risks There are those types of risks that can be generalized as neither negative nor positive, in terms of the outcomes they give. Such risks give the business a certain level of uncertainty about the future and are mostly associated with the profit a certain project may bring to the business. Hopkin (2012, pp.17) states that an organization is forced to deal with the tentative effects of projected results versus the actual results. For example, an organization may start a project and somewhere in the middle, the project collapses or data an d records appertaining to such a project may get lost. Such events bring about negative outcomes, as opposed to what was expected of the project. Risk management Risk management involves identifying and analyzing the possible outcomes of future events to ensure that their impact will be favorable on the business. Accordingly, the impacts of negative events are minimized, while the potential positive events are maximized. In order to ensure the control over risk, any business needs to have clear goals for risk management. Goals of risk management Risk management aims at minimizing operational uncertainties and losses (Steinberg, 2011 pp.75). Risk management aims to protect the business from liability by focusing on
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Bioterrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Bioterrorism - Research Paper Example This paper will study through previous researches and three different journals the barriers for the community health nursing for surveillance and identification of diseases caused by bioterrorism agents. Defining Bioterrorism: Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism in which different biological agents are released in order to make the people, plants or animals sick in masses. The consequences are in a number of deaths. These bioterrorism agents are usually viruses, bacteria, or toxins. However, these agents are present in the surrounding already but they are modified and reworked in a way that their ability is increased and that they also become resistant to the current medicines available so that there is no cure for them. The mediums usually used in order to multiply these bioterrorism agents are water, air and food sometimes. One of the major reasons for bioterrorism is that, that terrorist adopts this kind since it cannot be detected quickly and easily. These agents take time to rea ct, sometimes days and sometimes even weeks (A†¡ankaya & Kibaroglu, 2010). The significance of the study: The subject of bioterrorism in the community health sector in the US was not of major concern until 2001. The use of ‘Anthrax’ has created a serious fear of bioterrorism among the communities. Moreover, these bioterrorism attacks have also created realization and a sense of consideration for the healthcare department particularly community health nurses that their role during such attacks are very significant. Therefore proper education and training are very important factors for the community health nurses in order to overcome the chaos at the time of any bioterrorism attack (Mellehovitch, 2004). Bioterrorism and Community Health Nurses: Across the US, the issue of bioterrorism among the public health sector has become a core issue. Usually, the public and the US community rely initially on these primary healthcare departments for the inspection of any disease or unusual biological conduct. The community health nurses are the center of attention for this entire process and for delivering their services. However, cases have been observed where the lack of training and education among the health care nurses to handle and manage any bioterrorism attacks were observed, creating chaos and panic as a result. Not only this, the shortage of community of health nurses was also observed while any attack of bioterrorism. It is very obvious that the community health nurses need training for the bioterrorism preparedness so that they are ready to handle and are pre-prepared if their community is attacked by bioterrorism in a professional manner (Rebmann, 2006). According to a research journal on bioterrorism by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) it was observed that many of the community healthcare staff and nurses did not follow any formal training or education in order to manage or handle any bioterrorism attack. Out of the hundreds of nurses interviewed by (Gerberding & Hughes, 2002) very few of them took courses and fhealth careation in community healthcare and for bioterrorism. While the remaining nurses made complaints to the researchers that were not able to conduct their studies on bioterrorism because of the shortage of the staff who will take coverage of their nonattendance. As a result they had to take help and lessons from those nurses
Friday, January 24, 2020
cutting :: essays research papers
INTRODUCTION Suyemoto and MacDonald (1995) reported that the incidence of self-mutilation occurred in adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 35 at an estimated 1,800 individuals out of 100,000. The incidence among inpatient adolescents was an estimated 40%. Self-mutilation has been most commonly seen as a diagnostic indicator for Borderline Personality Disorder, a characteristic of Stereotypic Movement Disorder (associated with autism and mental retardation) and attributed to Factitious Disorders. However, practitioners have more recently observed self-harming behavior among those individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, multiple personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and most recently, with adolescents and young adults. The increased observance of these behaviors has left many mental health professionals calling for self-mutilation to have its own diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manua l of Mental Disorders (Zila & Kiselica, 2001). The phenomenon is often difficult to define and easily misunderstood. DEFINITION OF SELF-MUTILATION Several definitions of this phenomenon exist. In fact, researchers and mental health professionals have not agreed upon one term to identify the behavior. Self-harm, self-injury, and self-mutilation are often used interchangeably. Some researchers have categorized self-mutilation as a form of self-injury. Self-injury is characterized as any sort of self-harm that involves inflicting injury or pain on one's own body. In addition to self-mutilation, examples of self-injury include: hair pulling, picking the skin, excessive or dangerous use of mind-altering substances such as alcohol, and eating disorders. Favazza and Rosenthal (1993) identify pathological self-mutilation as the deliberate alteration or destruction of body tissue without conscious suicidal intent. A common example of self-mutilating behavior is cutting the skin with a knife or razor until pain is felt or blood has been drawn. Burning the skin with an iron, or more commonly with the ignited end of a cigarette, is also a form of self-mutilation. Self-mutilating behavior does exist within a variety of populations. For the purpose of accurate identification, three different types of self-mutilation have been identified: 1. superficial or moderate; 2. stereotypic; and 3. major. Superficial or moderate self-mutilation is seen in individuals diagnosed with personality disorders (i.e. borderline personality disorder). Stereotypic self-mutilation is often associated with mentally delayed individuals. Major self-mutilation, more rarely documented than the two previously mentioned categories, involves the amputation of the limbs or genitals. This category is most commonly associated with pathology (Favazza & Rosenthal, 1993). The remaining portion of this digest will focus on superficial or moderate self-mutilation.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
E-commerce techniques and marketing strategy
The aim of was to develop into the popular online international sports retail company. It was supposed to be a European trademark, but with a worldwide demand. At the beginning it wanted to work for both United States and Europe.The customers of could be described as ‘young, rich and style- oriented, approximately 19 to 25 year olds. The idea was that internationally the objective market should be anxious about sports and style trademarks supplied by to the analysis the market for clothes in this field was determined as really huge, so the idea was that having just a small section of this market was enough for to be triumphant. That time the vision on the size of the market and the source of triumph was pointed out by New Media Age (1999). They stated:â€Å"The $60b USD industry is dominated by Gen X'ers who are online and according to market research in need of knowing what is in, what is not and a way to receive such goods quickly. I f becomes known as the place to keep up with fashion and can supply the latest trends then there is no doubt that there is a market, a highly profitable one at that for profits to grow from.†(Acito 2006)The development in market was in addition held up by trade forecasters, with judgment foretelling selling in the UK to rise from  £600 million to  £12.5 billion by the year 2005.Nevertheless, New Media Age (2005) did make a note of a number of uncertainties about this marketplace, stating:â€Å"Clothes and trainers have a high rate of return in the mail order/home shopping world. Twenty year olds may be online and may have disposable income but they are not the main market associated with mail order. To date there is no one else doing anything similar to†. (Acito 2006)The three different marketing strategies used in global marketing are characterized in different ways, have different aims and use different instruments for the achievement of set goals ; moreover, the targeted customer audience in the three cases is also different, and while standardized and concentrated global marketing strategies are somewhat similar, the standardized and differentiated strategies represent the two opposite approaches to the general design of the marketing campaign.However, all three strategies described are successful if properly applied, and the three examples of the global companies have proved this assumption.In reality, the choice of the global marketing strategy, depends on the specific characteristics of the company and the segments it wants to conquer; if all segments are aimed, it is possible to create differentiated campaign with variety of products or standardized campaign appealing to the common interests of consumers; concentrated strategy will work for the conquering one large portion of one or several marketing had concentrated marketing strategy. Concentrated global marketing is a kind of the global marketing str ategy which cannot be contrasted to the standardized approach, but which is a different choice for the company which wants to achieve success in one single chosen global market segment.This kind of marketing is used when the organization has large share of market in one or several small segments opposed to the concentration of efforts in the small share of a large segment. (Kotabe & Helsen, 2004)Concentrated global marketing is effective for the companies with the limited resources and for the companies of small business, but for the global companies it is essential to have a high reputation of the product.For example, the acquisition of the EnviroSystems by the Telecomm sales Network in 2006 has become one of the recent examples of the chosen concentrated marketing strategy on the global market; it may be similar to the standardized approach because it does not require changes in the strategy, but while the standardized approach is applied to all segments, the concentrated one is u sed only within the limited marketing segment or several segments. (Phillips, 2007)EnviroSystems is the company specializing in the production of disinfecting products, which presupposes in it that the company should use only concentrated approach due to the very special products it offers.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Do the Advantages Out Weigh the Disadvantages of Language...
Do the Advantages Out Weigh the Disadvantages of Language Development in Bilingual Children Versus Monolingual Children? Developmental Psychology Reason behind study: The reason I chose to study language development between bilingual and monolingual children is while reading our text book,(Lifespan Development, Denise Boyd and Helen Bee, Fifth Edition, 2003, 2006, 2009, p.137); It discussed the advantages and disadvantages of being raised speaking two languages versus one single language. Our texts states that there are many advantages and disadvantages to being bilingual and ask’s if the advantages out weigh the disadvantages later in life? Obviously, the big advantage of speaking a second language is how marketable that†¦show more content†¦I wanted to see if the children would remember what each letter stood for at the end of the story. This was also done in private with each child separately. These questions were asked directly after the story, and the following day without reading the story ï ¬ rst. I also had the parents’ of the bilingual children randomly ask question in english to see what language their children preferred to respond with, this was done through out the weekend. After reading the story we went to Loriella park so I could observe how the children interacted with each other an d what language the bilingual children preferred to use when at play. Procedure Results: As I observed the older children at play and during lunch, at both the park and at the home, the response was the same for both environments. I noticed that the bilingual children spoke to each other in spanish and when they had questions, asked their parents’ the questions in spanish. The parents explained to me that they usually did this because they were being shy, or they were confused about something. When the school  agers’ spoke to the monolingual children it was usually in english. Occasionally, they would misplace an english word for a spanish word. When the toddlers’ would interact with each other, the bilingual children would talk mixing their language and the monolingual children would usually
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