Friday, January 24, 2020
cutting :: essays research papers
INTRODUCTION Suyemoto and MacDonald (1995) reported that the incidence of self-mutilation occurred in adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 35 at an estimated 1,800 individuals out of 100,000. The incidence among inpatient adolescents was an estimated 40%. Self-mutilation has been most commonly seen as a diagnostic indicator for Borderline Personality Disorder, a characteristic of Stereotypic Movement Disorder (associated with autism and mental retardation) and attributed to Factitious Disorders. However, practitioners have more recently observed self-harming behavior among those individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, multiple personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and most recently, with adolescents and young adults. The increased observance of these behaviors has left many mental health professionals calling for self-mutilation to have its own diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manua l of Mental Disorders (Zila & Kiselica, 2001). The phenomenon is often difficult to define and easily misunderstood. DEFINITION OF SELF-MUTILATION Several definitions of this phenomenon exist. In fact, researchers and mental health professionals have not agreed upon one term to identify the behavior. Self-harm, self-injury, and self-mutilation are often used interchangeably. Some researchers have categorized self-mutilation as a form of self-injury. Self-injury is characterized as any sort of self-harm that involves inflicting injury or pain on one's own body. In addition to self-mutilation, examples of self-injury include: hair pulling, picking the skin, excessive or dangerous use of mind-altering substances such as alcohol, and eating disorders. Favazza and Rosenthal (1993) identify pathological self-mutilation as the deliberate alteration or destruction of body tissue without conscious suicidal intent. A common example of self-mutilating behavior is cutting the skin with a knife or razor until pain is felt or blood has been drawn. Burning the skin with an iron, or more commonly with the ignited end of a cigarette, is also a form of self-mutilation. Self-mutilating behavior does exist within a variety of populations. For the purpose of accurate identification, three different types of self-mutilation have been identified: 1. superficial or moderate; 2. stereotypic; and 3. major. Superficial or moderate self-mutilation is seen in individuals diagnosed with personality disorders (i.e. borderline personality disorder). Stereotypic self-mutilation is often associated with mentally delayed individuals. Major self-mutilation, more rarely documented than the two previously mentioned categories, involves the amputation of the limbs or genitals. This category is most commonly associated with pathology (Favazza & Rosenthal, 1993). The remaining portion of this digest will focus on superficial or moderate self-mutilation.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
E-commerce techniques and marketing strategy
The aim of was to develop into the popular online international sports retail company. It was supposed to be a European trademark, but with a worldwide demand. At the beginning it wanted to work for both United States and Europe.The customers of could be described as ‘young, rich and style- oriented, approximately 19 to 25 year olds. The idea was that internationally the objective market should be anxious about sports and style trademarks supplied by to the analysis the market for clothes in this field was determined as really huge, so the idea was that having just a small section of this market was enough for to be triumphant. That time the vision on the size of the market and the source of triumph was pointed out by New Media Age (1999). They stated:â€Å"The $60b USD industry is dominated by Gen X'ers who are online and according to market research in need of knowing what is in, what is not and a way to receive such goods quickly. I f becomes known as the place to keep up with fashion and can supply the latest trends then there is no doubt that there is a market, a highly profitable one at that for profits to grow from.†(Acito 2006)The development in market was in addition held up by trade forecasters, with judgment foretelling selling in the UK to rise from  £600 million to  £12.5 billion by the year 2005.Nevertheless, New Media Age (2005) did make a note of a number of uncertainties about this marketplace, stating:â€Å"Clothes and trainers have a high rate of return in the mail order/home shopping world. Twenty year olds may be online and may have disposable income but they are not the main market associated with mail order. To date there is no one else doing anything similar to†. (Acito 2006)The three different marketing strategies used in global marketing are characterized in different ways, have different aims and use different instruments for the achievement of set goals ; moreover, the targeted customer audience in the three cases is also different, and while standardized and concentrated global marketing strategies are somewhat similar, the standardized and differentiated strategies represent the two opposite approaches to the general design of the marketing campaign.However, all three strategies described are successful if properly applied, and the three examples of the global companies have proved this assumption.In reality, the choice of the global marketing strategy, depends on the specific characteristics of the company and the segments it wants to conquer; if all segments are aimed, it is possible to create differentiated campaign with variety of products or standardized campaign appealing to the common interests of consumers; concentrated strategy will work for the conquering one large portion of one or several marketing had concentrated marketing strategy. Concentrated global marketing is a kind of the global marketing str ategy which cannot be contrasted to the standardized approach, but which is a different choice for the company which wants to achieve success in one single chosen global market segment.This kind of marketing is used when the organization has large share of market in one or several small segments opposed to the concentration of efforts in the small share of a large segment. (Kotabe & Helsen, 2004)Concentrated global marketing is effective for the companies with the limited resources and for the companies of small business, but for the global companies it is essential to have a high reputation of the product.For example, the acquisition of the EnviroSystems by the Telecomm sales Network in 2006 has become one of the recent examples of the chosen concentrated marketing strategy on the global market; it may be similar to the standardized approach because it does not require changes in the strategy, but while the standardized approach is applied to all segments, the concentrated one is u sed only within the limited marketing segment or several segments. (Phillips, 2007)EnviroSystems is the company specializing in the production of disinfecting products, which presupposes in it that the company should use only concentrated approach due to the very special products it offers.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Do the Advantages Out Weigh the Disadvantages of Language...
Do the Advantages Out Weigh the Disadvantages of Language Development in Bilingual Children Versus Monolingual Children? Developmental Psychology Reason behind study: The reason I chose to study language development between bilingual and monolingual children is while reading our text book,(Lifespan Development, Denise Boyd and Helen Bee, Fifth Edition, 2003, 2006, 2009, p.137); It discussed the advantages and disadvantages of being raised speaking two languages versus one single language. Our texts states that there are many advantages and disadvantages to being bilingual and ask’s if the advantages out weigh the disadvantages later in life? Obviously, the big advantage of speaking a second language is how marketable that†¦show more content†¦I wanted to see if the children would remember what each letter stood for at the end of the story. This was also done in private with each child separately. These questions were asked directly after the story, and the following day without reading the story ï ¬ rst. I also had the parents’ of the bilingual children randomly ask question in english to see what language their children preferred to respond with, this was done through out the weekend. After reading the story we went to Loriella park so I could observe how the children interacted with each other an d what language the bilingual children preferred to use when at play. Procedure Results: As I observed the older children at play and during lunch, at both the park and at the home, the response was the same for both environments. I noticed that the bilingual children spoke to each other in spanish and when they had questions, asked their parents’ the questions in spanish. The parents explained to me that they usually did this because they were being shy, or they were confused about something. When the school  agers’ spoke to the monolingual children it was usually in english. Occasionally, they would misplace an english word for a spanish word. When the toddlers’ would interact with each other, the bilingual children would talk mixing their language and the monolingual children would usually
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